Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - E-Assessment

Conducting a digital exam in person

Digital face-to-face examinations are usually held in PC pools equipped for this purpose. These can be organised centrally (HU examination centre) or decentrally (at the faculties).


Digital examinations in presence include the digital written examination, the digital multiple-choice procedure and the multimedia examination. The following topics refer to the execution of a digital face-to-face examination (incl. multiple-choice procedure), as the multimedia examination is usually subject to individual conditions and does not depend on PC pools.

Authentification for a digital face-to-face examination

The examination is conducted and supervised in the presence of the examiner and, if necessary, in the presence of other persons authorised to examine and expert assessors who keep a progress protocol during the examination (§ 96b Para. 2). The students identify themselves with the help of a valid photo ID, unless they are personally known to the examiner.

Conducting a digital on-site examination

The digital attendance examination is conducted in a similar way to a pen-and-paper examination, e.g. with regard to identity checks. However, as an examiner, you should allow for preparation time, as logging on to the computers may take a little more time if individual students have problems with their account or similar.

After the exam, the students log out of the computer again and you set the exam course to "hidden".

Technical problems during a digital on-site examination

The supervisors are available for problems with the content. If the examination takes place in the examination centre of the HU (Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum, Adlershof), the CMS provides a contact person on site for technical emergencies (see examination centre). If, on the other hand, the digital face-to-face exam is to be held in the decentralised PC pool of a faculty, the corresponding institution will provide a person for technical emergencies.



1. Authentification via photo ID or personally known

2. Registration on the exam Moodle, direct access to the prepared exam course (Safe Exam Browser)

3. Provide supervision and support during the examination, document malfunctions

4. Log out of students from the computers that remain employed

5. Set examination course to "hidden"