Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - E-Assessment

Basic information on digital examinations

Digital examinations (e-examinations, e-assessment) are divided at HU into distance examinations with and without supervision and face-to-face examinations with supervision, e.g. in an e-examination centre.


Digital examinations at the HU in overview

At the HU, analogue or digital face-to-face examinations are the standard type of examination. These examinations can be supplemented by distance examinations, in particular formats without supervision, upon application to the examination board (PA) if the formats provided for in the study and examination regulations are suitable for this purpose (cf. § 96a ZSP-HU, 12th Amend.). Applications for compensation for disadvantages (NTA) can also be submitted to the PA, in which, for example, a distance examination is requested because attendance on site is unreasonable for personal reasons.


  Digital examinations in distance (Fernprüfungen) Digital examinations in person
Type without supervision with supervison with supervision
Format Take-Home-Prüfungen, Essay, Portfolio, Hausarbeit Fernklausur, mündliche Fernaufsichtsprüfung digitale Präsenzklausur, multimediale Prüfung
Right of choice
no yes no
Device BYOD BYOD, incl. Camera, Mikrophon PC-Pool (standard equipment), seminar room
Supervision no yes, video (continuously) yes, in person
Authentification user account, declaration of autonomy user account, ID in front of camera user account, ID
Prevention of cheating

declaration of autonomy, personal responsibility, type of examination

declaration of autonomy, video, pool of tasks, task design, SEB if applicable supervision, SEB, distance
NTA yes yes yes

BYOD = Bring Your Own Device, SEB = Safe Exam Browser, NTA = Nachteilsausgleich (Compensation for disadvantage)


Right of choice - only for remote supervised examinations

If examiners want to deviate from the standard of a face-to-face examination and offer only a digital remote supervision examination, the students have a right of choice (cf. § 96a paragraph 4, 12th amendment ZSP-HU), since for data protection reasons they must not be forced without alternative to let the examiners into their private environment by means of video supervision. This right of choice does not mean that students can choose the alternative examination format. They decide against a distance supervised examination and thus choose the variant offered, e.g. a digital face-to-face examination instead of a distance examination. It is clever to think of the alternative right away when planning the examination and to announce it accordingly.