Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - E-Assessment

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | E-Assessment | FAQ | FAQ for Examiners | 5. Prepare | Participants | How can non-admitted students be prevented from entering an examination course?

How can non-admitted students be prevented from entering an examination course?

Since enrolment takes place before admission, this cannot and should not be prevented. Shortly before the exam, it is therefore necessary to compare the registration list from Agnes with the list of registered students in the Moodle course.

To do this, open the student overview and click on the link "Show all xxx students" at the bottom of the list and select all students. Then select the export format (e.g. csv or xlsx list) in the pop-up menu next to "Persons ..." at the bottom of the overview. This will give you a table with first and last names, email address and matriculation number. After the comparison, you remove non-admitted students from your examination course.