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Fig.: Matthias Heyde

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - E-Assessment

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | E-Assessment | FAQ | FAQ for Examiners | 2. Inform | Until when do examiners have to inform the students about the examination form?

Until when do examiners have to inform the students about the examination form?

According to § 96 paragraph 11 sentence 3 ZSP-HU, the notification has to be made at the beginning of the semester in which the final module examination is offered.

Deviations are permissible if the examinations cannot be carried out in the planned form or the effort to carry them out would be disproportionate (occurrence of exceptional circumstances). Students are to be informed immediately of any change decisions. If students have already registered and been admitted to the examination, they may withdraw their registration until immediately before the examination (§ 96d).